Tag Archives: Change

Changing Tides

Digital delivery and consumption has completely changed the publishing industry.  For thousands of years, reading was something you did by yourself.  Unless you announced it, nobody knew if you even opened a book you bought, let alone finished it.  Now, … Continue reading

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Overvaluing What We Have

One of the worst tricks we manage to play on ourselves is overvaluing what we already have and undervaluing what we don’t.  This is especially sad since most of us don’t have all that much anyway, and taking the chance … Continue reading

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The Fastest Way to Change

The fastest way to change yourself is to hang out with people who are already the way you want to be. – The Startup of You Human beings are such easily influenced creatures.  The way we laugh is influenced by … Continue reading

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How To Break A Habit

We’ve talked before about building habits.  That’s important.  But so is breaking habits.  Luckily, unlike forcing yourself to repeatedly do something new and scary, breaking existing habits isn’t nearly as hard.  One of the easiest ways is simply to substitute … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Art, Business, Choice, Creativity, Food For Thought, Inspiration, Persuasion, Productivity, Psychology, Quotes, Rationality, Self-Improvement, Video | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Who Am I

When I see those paparazzi pictures of Fat Kevin Federline, sometimes sporting dopey cornrows, sometimes waddling across some anonymous poolside deck with beer in hand, I imagine a guy who does not know who he is, what he is supposed … Continue reading

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The World Was Built By People No Smarter Than You

When you grow up, you tend to get told that the world is the way it is, and your life is just to live your life inside the world; try not to bash into the walls too much, try to … Continue reading

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Slow Heroism

Some people risk their lives in briefs act of heroism.  They pull a fellow soldier to safety during a gunfight, or land a plane in the Hudson after it loses both engines, or chase down the guy who stole an … Continue reading

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Change Is Good

I know a lot of people who not only fear change, but hate it.  I had never really understood why.  To me, change is always good.  I’ve never gone through a change and said “I wish that never happened.”  Even … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Creativity, Food For Thought, Inspiration, Quotes, Rationality, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , | 1 Comment