Tag Archives: Memory

Making Past Experiences Meaningful

Really great advice from Ben Casnocha: By the time the pizza boxes were emptied out, the pool party earlier in the afternoon seemed positively epic. I felt closer to the people with whom I had shared the experience. And those … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Food For Thought, Psychology, Quotes, Rationality, Relationships | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Creating False Memories

Ad men have known for years that they could make people feel good about a brand or product by telling happy stories.  It’s one of the reasons Budweiser spends tens of millions of dollars on advertising during the Superbowl.  They’re … Continue reading

Posted in Choice, Food For Thought, Psychology, Rationality | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Advertising Works On You

Advertising makes you buy things.  It makes you like things.  It can even makes you remember things.  Things that never actually happened to you: It turns out that vivid commercials are incredibly good at tricking the hippocampus (a center of … Continue reading

Posted in Food For Thought, Rationality, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment