Tag Archives: Self-Improvement


Attitudes are infectious. It’s why the happy, gregarious guy is always the life of the party and the center of attention.  Everyone wants some of that happiness.  It’s also why everyone avoids the depressed, quiet guy.  It’s actually easier to … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Choice, Food For Thought, Inspiration, Leading, Persuasion, Psychology, Rationality, Relationships | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Why You Don’t Really Believe In Yourself

“You just have to believe in yourself.” We hear this all the time.  Professional athletes toss off this one-liner so frequently we hear it without even thinking about it anymore.  Of course you have to believe in yourself.  I believe … Continue reading

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Do It Because You’re Bad At It

From 0 to 18, we’re constantly doing stuff we’re bad at.  It starts out with just being by ourselves at night, then walking, then talking.  Eventually, we go off to school.  We’re out of our comfort zones, meeting all kinds … Continue reading

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Other People’s Faults

It’s silly to try to escape other people’s faults.  They are inescapable.  Just try to escape your own. – Marcus Aurelius, Book 7, ¶ 71 The ironic bit is, once you do escape some your own faults, you unthinkingly tend … Continue reading

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Focus On Your Core Principle to Make Decisions And Beat Procrastination

I finished reading Made To Stick last week, which is fantastic and highly recommended for anyone who does anything creative, anything that requires communication, or anything related to sales (so… pretty much everyone).  One of the biggest things that’s stuck … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Art, Business, Inspiration, Productivity, Quotes, Rationality, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Secret To Success Is Failure

Dominic Randolph is the headmaster at an elite New York prep school.  His clientele is made up of offspring of New York’s elite, a group of rich and powerful people who fork over $38,500 for pre-kindergarten.  These kids, you might … Continue reading

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Test Your Way To A Raise

Testing is fundamentally important to increase your odds of success.  Yes, you may have been born an athletic freak.  You may write a screenplay that strikes the right tone at the right time and is wildly successful.  You may come … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Art, Business, Food For Thought, Inspiration, Productivity, Rationality, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

The Easiest Way to Change Behavior

Barriers.  It’s all about barriers. A barrier is anything that makes an action more difficult.  It can literally be a huge physical barrier, like the Berlin Wall, or it could be nothing but air. If you want to stop eating … Continue reading

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