Tag Archives: Fallacy

The Tim Ferriss Falacy

We’re now deep into the fourth generation of the self-help guru.  This generation shares much with its predecessors, including fondness for the shortcut.  People like Tim Ferriss have  made their name on finding and exploiting these shortcuts, or “hacks” as … Continue reading

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Liars, Damn Liars, and Quotes

Quotes and quips and one liners and zingers are fantastic.  The best ones can encapsulate a lifetime of wisdom into a single sentence.  But, the worst ones can be terribly misleading.  The trouble is separating the good from the bad. … Continue reading

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There Is Always An Excuse

“I had a bad day, I deserve this.” “I had a great day, I deserve this.” “Well, I’ve already done X.  Y won’t hurt.” “Well, I haven’t done X yet, so I can do Y.” Your mind is disturbingly capable … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Creativity, Food For Thought, Inspiration, Rationality, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment