Tag Archives: Results

The Tipping Point Is Bullshit

The concept of “the tipping point” has been bastardized.  People now seem use the expression to mean that there’s some sort of silver bullet or fatal flaw.  If you could just do this one thing, or eliminate this one flaw, … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Art, Business, Creativity, Inspiration, Productivity, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Cheating Work

I’ve had this Seth Godin post on my mind the last couple of days.  It’s good.  I thought I’d throw it up here so I don’t lose it: If you’re going to work, work hard. That way, you’ll have something … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Food For Thought, Inspiration, Productivity, Quotes, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment